A Bengal labourer who scored 677 marks in NEET has a journey of hard work and perseverance. He came into the limelight when his story was shared on YouTube, and the video garnered 10 million views in a short span. Sarfaraz began his NEET preparation with lectures on YouTube, which played a major role in shaping his journey.
Bengal labourer scores 677 in NEET
In a story that has captured hearts across the country, Sarfaraz, a 21-year-old from West Bengal, has achieved an extraordinary milestone. Despite working as a labourer and facing severe financial challenges, he scored an impressive 677 out of 720 in the NEET 2024 exam and is now set to join Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor.
Bengal labourer scores 677 in NEET
- Bengal labourer scores 677 in NEET, inspires millions
- Sarfaraz’s NEET journey was shaped by youtube lectures
- Sarfaraz’s daily life revolved around lifting 400 bricks to support his family
In a story that has captured hearts across the country, Sarfaraz, a 21-year-old from West Bengal, has achieved an extraordinary milestone. Despite working as a labourer and facing severe financial challenges, he scored an impressive 677 out of 720 in the NEET 2024 exam and is now set to join Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor.