Several medical officers in Mumbai allegedly submitted fake certificates claiming EWS status to secure in-service quota seats in PG medical courses. One officer had their certificate cancelled, but their admission was stayed by the Bombay High Court. Students are demanding that the certificates of other candidates be cancelled and vacant seats be given to meritorious students. The eligibility of these officers under the EWS quota is being questioned, as their income exceeds the limit. Candidates have filed complaints with the CET Cell, expressing frustration at the lack of action.
MUMBAI: In a blatant misuse of the reservation policy, several medical officers allegedly submitted fake certificates last month, claiming Economically Weaker Section (EWS) status in order to get an in-service quota seat in postgraduate (PG) medical courses. On Monday, the EWS certificate of one such officer was cancelled by the sub-divisional revenue officer of Paithan. Students have demanded that the certificates of other such candidates be cancelled and the vacant seats be turned over to meritorious students.
The medical officer, however, approached the Aurangabad bench of the Bombay high court, and on Tuesday, Justice Shailesh Brahme stayed the cancellation of his admission till the next hearing on December 4. Justice Brahme stated in his order that no adverse action should be taken against the petitioner, either by cancelling or in any way affecting his admission to the post-graduate course.
Under the existing rules, medical officers with more than three years of regular service in government hospitals are entitled to a 20 percent quota under the in-service category for PG admissions, with 12 seats specifically reserved under the EWS quota.
The Common Entrance Test (CET) cell commissioner initially identified two certificates as fake. However, despite these revelations, both admissions were not cancelled, leading to demands for a more thorough investigation into the EWS certificates submitted by the remaining 10 candidates who secured admission. CET cell officials have confirmed that a total of 21 applicants claimed EWS status during the application process.
Candidates have raised questions about the eligibility of these medical officers, pointing out that the government’s EWS quota stipulates an annual income limit of ₹8 lakh. Given that medical officers earn ₹12 lakh per annum, candidates argue that the state government should reconsider the EWS classification and allocate the reserved 12 seats to the general category.
Complaints filed with the CET Cell reveal that some candidates, despite scoring higher ranks, were denied seats, while others with lower ranks secured admission under the EWS quota. The affected candidates expressed frustration at the lack of action despite the CET cell’s assurance of a thorough investigation.
The medical officer whose admission was cancelled had claimed that he earned ₹1.70 lakh per year, leading to fellow candidates questioning the authenticity of his EWS certificate. In his order, the sub-divisional revenue officer of Paithan stated that the candidate had submitted only his mother’s income and not mentioned his own or that of other family members.